Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 1

Well it has been a big week. We didn't have time to organise the fascias to be done, before the roofers arrived to assemble their scaffolding, ready for them to start this week. The electricians started today and had a good look around, ready for a meet and greet with us tomorrow to prepare us for the bad news i'm sure. No, no think positively. Hubby has started to pull up the hideous carpet in the lounge room and we had a sneak peak under the bathroom carpet, (yes carpet, WHO carpets the BATHROOM!!!) to find timber floorboards - YAY! So my challenge this week is to rip ALL the carpet in this house up and throw it to the tip. I think that alone will have a huge impact on the smell in the place. My mother and I have been heavy duty cleaning the walls, toilets, bath, shower, more walls, windows, doors, anything and everything to get ready for us to finally habitat the house 'hopefully' in the next month or 2. Most exciting news is we have ordered our claw-foot slipper bath. Its gorgeous. I can't wait to see how we end up designing the bathroom (and kitchen for that matter) we both have a few ideas so i'm sure we can come up with something great. We estimate this old house has been renovated and/or added upon most probably 2 or 3 times from its original plans. There was once a verandah which has since been built in and we're guessing the kitchen and extra bedrooms were add-on's aswell. This was evident by the wood panelling currently occupying the walls in said rooms. After umm-ing and agh-ing about the wood panelling, we got an idea to paint them, my dad had seen it done on a reno show on tv. After googling some images we thought it didn't look too bad, after making that decision, to later find out that we had timber tongue in groove behind it thanks to the electricians who today pulled the panelling off the walls, AGAIN, why oh why would you put nasty 70's chip board panelling over hard timber tongue in groove walls. Madness i tell you. (please excuse quality of photo, its off hubby's phone) So i guess the moral of the story here is we need to totally strip this house back to its bare bones and start from scratch. The young electrician told me he has grown up in these parts and said our house was the first one built in this street. He says it will be a "grand home" once we bring it back to its glory. We estimate roughly it was built in the 1920's. So of course i'm thinking of a Flapper-Gatsby themed housewarming. You in?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, carpet in the bathroom... that's a special kind of crazy.
